Complete Debt Payoff List
�����Paid in Full: May '07
�����Paid in Full: May '08
�����Paid in Full: Jan '09
�����Paid in Full: Feb '09
�����Paid in Full: June '09
�����Paid in Full: Feb '10
�����Paid in Full: May '10
� � � Paid in Full: March '12
� � � Paid in Full: July '14
9) Rental (4.22%): -94,000
� � � Balance: -93,800
10) Home (4.5%): -170,815
� � � Balance: -131,025
**I got in a car accident and basically killed the car within only months of paying it off and dropping collision/comprehensive coverage. !@#!@
Ok, so yeah, there were a few car mishaps that could've been avoided along the way. We finally figured things out and started knocking off the debts one by one.
UPDATE MARCH 2012: As of March 2012, we have paid off ALL non mortgage debt!!!!!!!!! It took almost 4 years. In Feb 2010 we found out I was pregnant with baby girl and that slowed progress significantly. We started stockpiling cash for maternity leave. We reached our goal of 10k in the bank before she was born and I was able to have a relaxing 6 months worth of time with my girl before returning to work. We've focused on the student loan since then and as of March 2nd we are now DEBT FREE!!!

UPDATE FEB 2013: Ok, and then July 2012 hit and we realized the 8-10k we were anticipating spending on first floor bathroom and mudroom were going to cost more in the range of 17k. We paid for a lot with cash, 0%cc, and mom loan. 0% cc to be paid off by end of March. Mom loan by August. Gotta keep on plugging along.
UPDATE JULY 2014: The addition cost a bundle and then there were a ton of mishaps along the way (paying for two "new" used cars, classes, other car repairs, etc.) Took almost a year longer than we initially thought but we are now DEBT FREE (again).