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Back to Square 1.

June 2nd, 2010 at 04:42 pm

Ok, so not really. We did just pay off the car debt and now have only 1 non-mortgage debt left (stupid student loans!) but the savings account is pretty darn sad. Turns out I forgot to get my car inspected, so that's an additional expense right there that I wasn't anticipating. It'll be nice once this student loan is gone forever. It's the albatross around my neck. I stupidly deferred it and it accrued interest back a few years ago, so now it's pretty much at where I started when I graduated. Blahhh.

I printed out Dave Ramsey's 7 baby steps to see where we fell in line with those.

Step 1: 1,000 in EF (Done next paycheck)
Step 2: Pay off all non-mortgage debt (half done)
Step 3: 3 to 6 months expenses in savings (nope)
Step 4: Invest 15% Gross to Retirement (Avg 9% between the two of us - over half there!)
Step 5: College Funding (soon as baby is born in 4 mos. we're opening a 529, but not done yet)
Step 6: Pay off home early (Does a 15 yr loan count?! we anticipate paying down even faster once everything else is gone)
Step 7: Build wealth and give! (not yet- soon!)

So it turns out we've actually started a number of the steps without even realizing it. I guess I'm not really 100% following Dave's plan. More of a modified Ramsey follower :P.

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