Home > So much stuff!

So much stuff!

August 13th, 2010 at 02:16 pm

Trying to declutter the house is hard to do with a baby on the way. It seems for every piece of houseware/clothing I donate or trash, there's at least 2 more coming in!

T and I have already taken home a couple of bouncers/swings, a diaper genie, HUGE bag of new clothes, bag of infant toys, pack 'n play, and the in-laws still have the crib, dresser, and changing table to bring when they next visit. So much stuff I'm trying to figure out where to put it all! I don't think I'm going to use all of the bouncers and swings, but I took it all and I'll just sell whatever we don't use for baby. I just can't pass up free stuff. Especially when it's in as good condition as all of this is.

Money is sort of at a standstill at the moment. We had a car issue that ate up $200 and it looks like T is registering for his calc class this pay period instead of next, so right now our savings is sitting around 2100 instead of the 2700 I had anticipated. Next Friday we should break $3,000 which I'll be pleased with and make sure to post if we've hit the mark! Only a few more paychecks until I start thinking about maternity leave, so we need to conserve as much as we can!

1 Responses to “So much stuff!”

  1. Jerry Says:

    It does get hard to consolidate with baby on the way - we just have started giving away some of the things that we can't use because there is not room in the apartment! It leads to a lot of appreciation from other parents-to-be, though, as well as some insurance of good karma, so I'll take it. Plus, it's a lot of fun having the new baby around! Good luck with everything!

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