Home > Pregnant and agitated!

Pregnant and agitated!

September 29th, 2010 at 02:25 pm

How ridiculous! I've gotten through the majority of my pregnancy without too many weepy moments. I can think of maybe two the whole time where looking back I was like "Ok, I definitely acted that way because I was pregnant." and wasn't of completely sound mind :P. But yeah, lately I'm just agitated all the time! Frustrated and annoyed at everyone! So steer clear of me!

Savings is coming along quite nicely which you think would keep my spirits up. But then my mom hits me last night with a $275 bill for insurance on the rental and it just annoyed the crud out of me even though I should've remembered it was coming. Oh well...

I just gotta get through a few more weeks (and then the real fun begins!). 37 weeks on Thursday so it won't be long now!

3 Responses to “Pregnant and agitated!”

  1. ThriftoRama Says:

    Uh, it's perfectly normal to be agitate in the last few weeks. It's the hardest time. You have to pee constantly, you're carrying a full human around all day, you never get a good night's sleep, can only lay on one side of your body, and have to be in the doctor's office every week. It sucks! People will just have to understand that you're emotions are running close tot he surface. Making a person is hard work.

  2. Petunia Says:

    37 weeks is considered full-term, and Daisy was born at 37 weeks. I'll look forward to hearing your good news soon!

  3. Jerry Says:

    Hang in there! Insurance bills are always a little annoying, pregnant or not, so it is understandable that this would lead to some frustrations. Hey, my sister AND my sister-in-law are both due this week, it's a great time for babies. You are almost there! Best wishes to you...

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