Home > Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking

October 19th, 2010 at 04:23 pm

So T keeps thinking this baby is going to SAVE us money. As it is, we spend about $300 a weekend on entertainment/food/household items/etc. His thought process is once the baby gets here we'll most likely forego all restaurant outings for a while and will be spending lots of time with family which costs nothing except the gas to get there. I keep trying to drive home the point that while that's true, babies cost money! He doesn't seem to think past formula and diapers and when I said I might be breastfeeding and not doing formula he thought that really drove his point home. I was going to wager some sort of bet but for right now I'll just sit tight and hope that he's right (even though I fear he is terribly, terribly wrong!) :P

5 Responses to “Wishful Thinking”

  1. MonkeyMama Says:

    I was surprised how little our first baby cost in the beginning. (No one worked for 12 weeks, and it wasn't near as tight as I imagined). BUT, that is short lived. There really is NOTHING cheap about having kids. Wink Initially, formula and diaper costs may easily be offset by exhaustion and not wanting to do anything or go anywhere. Thankfully, the kids outgrow that stage rather quickly (orelse you'd go crazy!)

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    My baby was cheap, too. What are you thinking you might spend money on that T is not thinking of?....I think it is great that he expects to be home a lot with baby. It is not just that he expects you to be home a lot with baby. Wink

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    I second Monkey Mama - Babies ARE cheap at first!
    Best wishes for the next few weeks!
    Big Grin

  4. Jerry Says:

    Babies can be raised on the cheap initially, but as they grow it leads to more expenses. Breastfeeding helps a ton, of course, as does having the insurance of reusable diapers (and a diaper service, if it's available in your area). We still, after 4 months, are using regular disposables for the overnight and for when we are away from home, but the cloth diapers these days are amazing.

  5. Nika Says:

    To me, diapers and food/clothing don't cause any worry, but 2K a month (even in the Bronx) daycare expense is terrifying. There is also always a possibility of medical expenses that cannot be predicted.

    Diapers/clothing/formula ... all of that is nowhere near the daycare cost. And not only it is 2k a month, but they are few and far between, so there are also waiting lists and hefty registration fees to get on those lists.

    I will stay with him the first few months, but after that...

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