Home > Mama goes back to work :/

Mama goes back to work :/

January 25th, 2011 at 09:42 pm

So today was the day I started back at work. Hopefully I can stretch out part-time work for the next 5 months, but we'll see...

I told T I would wake up with him to get the baby changed and fed while he got ready (I live closeby to work so I had time to do what I needed once they left). When I was feeding her and looking down at my little girl I started bawling. A full on, not at all pretty cry and when it was time for them to leave together (so my husband could bring her to my mothers house) I was a total wreck.

I held it together at work but then had to battle insane traffic (2 hrs to get to my mothers house) before I got to see my baby again.

Such a difficult day. And I have to do it all over again tomorrow :/

I hope this gets easier...

4 Responses to “Mama goes back to work :/”

  1. laura Says:

    Aw! (hugs) The baby is with your mom, right? The next best thing to mom is grandma, but I feel your pain! Tomorrow should be easier ...

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Oh Guppy, that does bring back memories! It does get easier, honest. Snuggle with your daughter tonight, and I hope you have a better day tomorrow. Smile

  3. PNW Mom Says:

    Awwww....I'm sorry.....I remember those days....hugs!

  4. Savings Queen Says:

    I so much remember the first days and even weeks of taking my babies to day care. Bless your heart as I KNOW how painful that can be. My two boys are now all grown and, even though I wish I could have stayed home more, try to remember that you are being a great mother to your baby by working to help put food in her mouth and a roof over her head. Due in part to the fact that I worked we were able to put our kids through college with no student loans. Through your work it is one way of loving her.

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